With retirement quickly approaching at this point in March of 2020, I’d envisioned time and opportunity to explore and rethink how I wanted to dress on a daily basis since I’d be moving beyond the constraints of a professional office setting. But just as COVID brought about an abrupt change to “normalcy” when essentially everything shut down, the style evolution I had anticipated for myself was also disrupted.

For the most part, I don’t feel as though I’ve made any real strides in my style evolution. To be real, not only we were “stuck in place” for most of the last two years, but so was the fashion world. With so many of the new WFHers ditching their office-appropriate attire for “clean shirt with sweatpants” chic, retailers made a hard pivot to appeal to this new aesthetic. While I too was glad to pivot away from “office-appropriate”, spending my day in PJs or nap dresses wasn’t how I’d envisioned retirement.

Now that we’re out and about again, I’ve been spending considerably more time shopping. At one time it would have been understood that what I meant by that statement is in-person shopping at brick-and-mortar stores as opposed to online shopping but just to be clear, I do mean in-person shopping. And it doesn’t mean that I’ve come home with bags and bags of new stuff to wear, on the contrary. I typically come home frustrated at the limit of options and the lack of much that appeals to me. So I seek out inspiration from other sources.

Would You, Could you? has been the guiding theme for my posts that are published for the second link-up post of the month. Such is the question one might ask of oneself when happening upon fashion inspirations in magazine articles, store displays, or social media. Or you might find inspiration in an unexpected place like a sunset, or a desert landscape, or a plate of food. Sometimes it might just be the heap of cast-offs in your closet.

In the case of today’s nap dress, loafers, and vest combination, the source of my inspiration was a “style it two ways” type article in the March edition of Grazia, a UK based publication (I’m unable to provide a link to the specific article because access is by subscription). The image on the left is a screenshot from that layout. The gist of the article was a how-to for taking pieces you already own and styling them for work, rest, and play. Once upon a time, “up, down, all-around” had been one of the recurring monthly themes for when the Fine-Whatever link-up was active while I was still working.

It’s not that the pairing of a “floaty frock with loafers and a waistcoat” is all that novel nor is it a look that I haven’t come close to creating myself (case in point from February 2021 Fresh Focus: Black Floral Dress). At first, I was a bit put off by the inspo look even though I’m fond of offsetting feminine pieces with more masculine ones and mixing flowy with structure. I even moved on to the next article with a barely registered “huh” but something drew me back for a second look.

It’s not a pairing that I would have thought up on my own, that’s for sure. For example, when I wore this same dress last week (and before seeing the Grazia article), I opted for a denim jacket (the predictable choice). And while I did go the loafer route, red was a safe “it matches” choice. Still, it’s a good look and I got a couple of compliments on it.

That look, however, doesn’t have the same “wow” factor as today’s inspiration look. Besides the feminine/masculine and flowy/structure juxtapositions, there’s also a light/dark and unmatched vibe that seems both deliberate and yet carefree at the same time. There’s practicality mixed with style and an “I’m ready for the day” vibe that I strive to achieve. And fortunately, I already had all the pieces I needed in my closet.

The dress and vest in the inspiration photo are both by Free People (I could find neither on their website) and the loafers are Dr Martens (also not on website). The total cost of the outfit was shown to be £495 or about $644. My version cost me a whole lot less. I bought the dress last summer at 🎯 during a rare 20% off sale so it was about $28. The vest was a thrift store find that I’ve shared before in Would You, Could You? Leopard Pants, White Shirt and my loafers were a bargain find on Poshmark made back in the summer of 2018.

Let’s Wrap This Up

Now, onto the Fine-Whatever link-up. My featured blogger from last week’s link-up is Marsha, who writes about her explorations of finding out what the next part of her life will be on her blog Marsha In The Middle.

As you can tell, I’ve been giving the evolution of my style a bit of thought lately. Have I successfully inspired you to give the combination of a nap dress, loafers, and vest a try? Is this a look you would or could make your own? How have you embraced styles that are unexpected and where do you find your fashion inspirations? Do share your thoughts in a comment.

Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, tweet, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.

Photos: MMPerez

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  1. Amy Johnson

    I love the dress styled with both the jacket and the vest. I agree with you about styles and the difficulty finding anything, I’m sure it’s all part of the supply chain crisis.

    • I should try a dress with a vest, never done that. But I like it also a lot with the denim jacket. Isn’t it so good to copy a look for a lot less.

  2. Such a comfortable look both ways but I love the idea of the vest, just a bit different!
    I think I’ve got to the end of lockdown thinking that life is just too short to be bothered about the way I look. And actually that really means I need to get my backside into gear!!!

  3. Honestly, I think you wear the dress with vest combination better than the model in the inspiration. The look is so you, but not her. Love the look on you. In other words, you wear it better.

  4. “Nap Dress”! Never heard this term! Does it mean a loose, flowy dress? Are muumuus nap dresses? So many questions!

    I prefer the denim jacket vs the vest. The vest looks “blocky” to me.

  5. I totally agree with you about how your style changes when you retire. It’s always interesting to “evolve” one’s style. Our preferences and lifestyles change, so our fashion choices naturally change, as well. I like the red loafers with the dress. I equally like the denim jacket and the vest. But the vest is more unexpected and therefore catches the eye.
    Thanks for hosting the link-up!

  6. mummabstylish

    You’ve styled this so well Rena, thanks too for hosting the linkup. Jacqui x

  7. That dress is beautiful on you! With the denim jacket is certainly how I’d wear it as I tend to play it safe – and don’t even have a waistcoat/vest! But in both your outfit and the inspiration one the vest really works! 🙂

    I liked how you were intending to re-evaluate your style, even if you’ve found it didn’t happen as expected. I feel I’ve kind of just fallen into an even more casual style post-pandemic than I did before (and I had a pretty casual style before!) and it hasn’t really been something I’ve given much thought to. Definitely something I should be more organised with and take time to consider, but right now I feel happy with the choices I do have in my wardrobe so I’m pushing the style decision to sometime further in the future!

    Hope that your week is off to a good start and thank you for the link up!

  8. First, I had to google what a nap dress was! I think I’ve been wearing nap dresses for most of my life! Second, my first thought would also be the denim jacket, but I really do like the pairing of the vest with the dress for the exact reasons you gave! That yin yang dynamic really works here in so many ways…the stark black with the bold red, the masculine vs the feminine, and even the professional vs the casual. Finally, I would have to say my style continues to evolve. I’ve been retired for almost ten years (I took very early retirement), and I’ve gone through many different looks. Some have been related to weight loss and then weight gain. It took me a couple of years to stop buying clothing for that old life! Thanks so much for featuring me! I have to say it’s still a shock when I see myself on someone else’s blog! And thanks so much for the link up! Come visit on Thursday for a link up with Ageless Style.


  9. I also love the mix of masculine with feminine. The darker vest with this flowy dress adds an interesting contrast, as does the leopard loafter. The print of the dress is really pretty!

  10. Gail Is This Mutton

    Well Rena you have surpassed yourself with this look – so haute couture, and for a fraction of the price! I would be very tempted to do a style steal but I only have the loafers. No suitable dress or vest. But I admire it nonetheless.

  11. I love both ways you’ve styled this dress. And me? I’m all about clothing that is comfortable enough for lounging, but can be dressed up enough to confidently leave the house. These outfits show that this pretty red dress can be.


  12. I really enjoy reading how your style is evolving, Rena, even if the past few years might have stalled it a bit. I also love how much thought you put into it. I have days when I really think about it, and others where I might have good intentions but then just can’t be bothered (which I’m ashamed to admit, to be honest).
    After seeing your interpretation of this look, I would definitely want to try it out. My problem though, is that I have no loafers. I’ve had two pairs over recent years but I ended up giving them away because they just weren’t comfortable at all! Perhaps that should be my next mission? To find a pair of loafers that look cool that are also super comfortable!
    Big hugs,
    Suzy xx