I can explain. It’s been a lot of little things and a few bigger ones that have kept me away from my blog. One of the big things, actually rather huge, was the buying, the remodeling, and the moving into the new place we bought last November. The remodeling part took much longer than we’d expected for a number of reasons and we had to fully move in during the middle of it. But the hired help are done, for now. The unpacking is mostly done as well but we’re still furnishing and figuring out some storage logistics.

Last Week This Week is a look back at what I actually wore last Monday thru Friday as long as it was a workday. I’ve included a brief description of each outfit and if I wore it for a specific event other than a typical workday. Without a specified dress-code in my workplace, casual Friday isn’t really an official thing but I usually adhere to it nonetheless.

My new creative space is taking shape so I cannot use “I don’t have a place to work” as an excuse anymore. Another of the big things that kept me away was a long-standing plan to rebrand with a new name. I’ve already bought the domain and started on visuals but kept pushing out the date for switching over. And pushing out the date became a stumbling block on publishing new posts. Betwixt and between, I’ve come to an understanding with myself that now is not the best time for rebranding. It’ll wait until I can devote more time to the endeavor. Meanwhile, back to the here and now.


I’m rarely seen without a jacket or cardigan completer piece (my own personal style preference) but I tried to get by without one with this top. Firstly, the material has some thickness to it and I think that the tie in front gives it look of a jacket.


Jacket, colorful top, pants … easy peasy.


Another jacket, another colorful top, another pair of pants. And a whole lot of pattern mixing, as well.


Another spin for the jacket/colorful top/pants combination. This time with crops and strappy sandals.


Took the day off so no outfit photos.

And there you have it, a look back at what I wore to work last week.  How do you decide what you will wear to work? Let me clarify … unless you’ve declared yourself to be checked out from any type of routine, anything you do during daylight hours (and sometimes nighttime ones as well) whether or not you get paid for it, I consider that to be your “work” and you should/can be dressed accordingly. And even if you are retired, in whatever manner you’ve enjoyed your day is good enough for me.

I kind of fibbed about not having outfit photos for last Friday. The Husband’s aunt and uncle have been visiting with us for the past two weeks and flew back to New Jersey today where they live. We spent the first few days of their visit in Las Vegas (and boy was it HOT) and this past week, The Husband and our son had shown them some of the local sights while I was at work. On Friday, I joined them for a drive up the coast a little ways to see some of the sights in Santa Barbara and to check out the Museum of Natural History.  If you’re ever in the area, it’s definitely worth a visit.

L to R: uncle, son, me, aunt

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  1. I have been trying to wean myself from always putting on a third piece. Granted, I love them. But I’m trying to change it up and be different from time to time.
    I’m glad you’re finally getting settled!! That’s what’s in store for us I can tell. The moving part that is. Luckily we won’t have much remodeling!!

    • Rena

      For me, the “third piece” whether it be a jacket or cardigan or vest helps to de-emphasize my bust. It also keeps “the girls” from attracting too much attention if there is a little extra bounce in my step or in the event there is a chill in the air.

  2. Marilee J. Gramith

    Glad to see you back Rena. Moving absolutely brings with it many challenges. Remodeling is quite demanding on energy as well. Clearly, you need time to recharge, refocus and reorganize.

    Are you any closer to retirement???

    • Rena

      I’m glad that I haven’t lost you as a fan considering the length of my absence. And yes, retirement is in the crosshairs. More to be revealed soon.

  3. Christine Hamilton

    Many years ago, I worked in an office where some of the girls always gossiped about people who wore the same clothes all the time. I never wanted to be on their radar so I started keeping a calendar of outfits I wore so I didn’t duplicate something too often. Looking back all these later, it was kind of dumb!